Basic Sentence Patterns in English: Important notes to learn

Basic Sentence Patterns in English: Important notes to learn

As you move forward in learning English grammar, understanding the basic sentence patterns in English is essential. Although there are over 10 sentence patterns in English, the five basic sentence patterns that we discussed are the most common. They are the following.

1. Subject + Linking Verb + Complement ( S – LV – C)
For example:
I am happy.

2. Subject + Intransitive Verb ( S – IV )
For example:
Horses run.

3. Subject + Transitive Verb + Direct Object ( S – TV – DO )
For example:
Amy tutors Chris.

4. Subject + Transitive Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object ( S – TV – IO – DO )
For example:
The instructor assigned Steve poetry.

5. Subject + Transitive Verb + Direct Object + Object Complement ( S – TV – DO – OC)
For example:
Mary considered Ana her friend.